List of I/O Formats

load mesh parameters

Here are listed all the file formats that can be loaded usingthe functions pmeshlab.MeshSet.load_new_mesh() and pmeshlab.MeshSet.load_current_mesh(), with all the possible parameters that can be accepted by these functions.

Load 3DS format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.3DS'

File Name: The name of the file to load

load_in_a_single_layer : bool = False

Load in a single layer: 3DS files may contain more than one mesh. If this parameter is set to false, all the meshes contained in the file will be merged in a single mesh.
Load apts format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.apts'

File Name: The name of the file to load
Load ASC format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.ASC'

File Name: The name of the file to load

rowtoskip : int = 0

Header Row to be skipped: The number of lines that must be skipped at the beginning of the file.

triangulate : bool = True

Grid triangulation: if true it assumes that the points are arranged in a complete xy grid and it tries to perform a naive height field triangulation of the input data. Length of the lines is detected automatically by searching x jumps. If the input point cloud data is not arranged as a xy regular height field, no triangles are created.
Load BRE format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.BRE'

File Name: The name of the file to load

pointsonly : bool = False

only import points: Just import points, without triangulation

unify_vertices : bool = True

Unify Duplicated Vertices in BRE files: The BRE format is not an vertex-indexed format. Each triangle is composed by independent vertices, so, usually, duplicated vertices should be unified
Load CTM format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.CTM'

File Name: The name of the file to load
Load DAE format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.DAE'

File Name: The name of the file to load
Load E57 format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.E57'

File Name: The name of the file to load
Load ES format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.ES'

File Name: The name of the file to load

seed : int = 1

Seed for random mesh generation: write a seed for the random generation of the mesh

maxrec : int = 0

set the maximum recursion: the mesh is built recursively according to the productions of the grammar, so a limit is needed. If set to 0 meshlab will generate the mesh according to the maximum recursion set in the file

sphereres : int = 1

set maximum resolution of sphere primitives, it must be included between 1 and 4: increasing the resolution of the spheres will improve the quality of the mesh

maxobj : int = 0

set the maximum number of object to be rendered: you can set a limit to the maximum number of primitives rendered. If set to 0 meshlab will generate the mesh according to the input file
Load FBX format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.FBX'

File Name: The name of the file to load
Load GLB format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.GLB'

File Name: The name of the file to load

load_in_a_single_layer : bool = False

Load in a single layer: GLTF files may contain more than one mesh. If this parameter is set to false, all the meshes contained in the file will be merged in a single mesh.
Load GLTF format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.GLTF'

File Name: The name of the file to load

load_in_a_single_layer : bool = False

Load in a single layer: GLTF files may contain more than one mesh. If this parameter is set to false, all the meshes contained in the file will be merged in a single mesh.
Load OBJ format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.OBJ'

File Name: The name of the file to load
Load OFF format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.OFF'

File Name: The name of the file to load
Load PDB format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.PDB'

File Name: The name of the file to load

usecolors : bool = True

Use Atoms colors: Atoms are colored according to atomic type

justpoints : bool = False

SURFACE: Atoms as Points: Atoms are created as points, no surface is built. Overrides all subsequential surface parameters

justspheres : bool = True

SURFACE: Atoms as Spheres: Atoms are created as intersecting spheres, no interpolation surface is built. Overrides all subsequential surface parameters

interpspheres : bool = False

SURFACE: Atoms as Jointed Spheres: Atoms are created as spheres, joining surface is built. Overrides all subsequential surface parameters

metaballs : bool = False

SURFACE: Atoms as Metaballs: Atoms are created as blobby interpolation surface, refer to BLINN Metaballs article. Overrides all subsequential surface parameters

voxelsize : float = 0.25

Surface Resolution: is used by Jointed Spheres and Metaball

blobby : float = 2

Blobbyness factor: is used by Metaball
Load PLY format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.PLY'

File Name: The name of the file to load
Load pts format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.pts'

File Name: The name of the file to load
Load PTX format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.PTX'

File Name: The name of the file to load

meshindex : int = 0

Index of Range Map to be Imported: PTX files may contain more than one range map. 0 is the first range map. If the number if higher than the actual mesh number, the import will fail

pointsonly : bool = True

Keep only points: Import points a point cloud only, with radius and normals, no triangulation involved, isolated points and points with normals with steep angles are removed.

usecolor : bool = True

import color: Read color from PTX, if color is not present, uses reflectance instead

flipfaces : bool = False

LEICA: flip normal direction: LEICA PTX exporter goes counterclockwise, FARO PTX exporter goes clockwise

pointcull : bool = True

delete unsampled points: Deletes unsampled points in the grid that are normally located in [0,0,0]

anglecull : bool = True

Cull faces by angle: short

angle : float = 85

Angle limit for face culling: short
Load QOBJ format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.QOBJ'

File Name: The name of the file to load
Load STL format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.STL'

File Name: The name of the file to load

unify_vertices : bool = True

Unify Duplicated Vertices in STL files: The STL format is not an vertex-indexed format. Each triangle is composed by independent vertices, so, usually, duplicated vertices should be unified
Load TRI format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.TRI'

File Name: The name of the file to load
Load TXT format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.TXT'

File Name: The name of the file to load

rowtoskip : int = 0

Header Row to be skipped: The number of lines that must be skipped at the beginning of the file. Generally, these files have one or more 'header' lines, before the point list

strformat : str = 'X Y Z' (or int = 0)

Possible enum values:

  1. 'X Y Z'
  2. 'X Y Z Reflectance'
  3. 'X Y Z Reflectance R G B'
  4. 'X Y Z Reflectance Nx Ny Nz'
  5. 'X Y Z Reflectance R G B Nx Ny Nz'
  6. 'X Y Z Reflectance Nx Ny Nz R G B'
  7. 'X Y Z R G B'
  8. 'X Y Z R G B Reflectance'
  9. 'X Y Z R G B Reflectance Nx Ny Nz'
  10. 'X Y Z R G B Nx Ny Nz Reflectance'
  11. 'X Y Z Nx Ny Nz'
  12. 'X Y Z Nx Ny Nz R G B Reflectance'
  13. 'X Y Z Nx Ny Nz Reflectance R G B'
Point format: Which values are specified for each point, and in which order.

separator : str = ';' (or int = 0)

Possible enum values:

  1. ';'
  2. ','
  3. 'SPACE'
Separator: The separator between individual values in the point(s) description.

rgbmode : str = '[0-255]' (or int = 0)

Possible enum values:

  1. '[0-255]'
  2. '[0.0-1.0]'
Color format: Colors may be specified in the [0-255] or [0.0-1.0] interval.

onerror : str = 'skip' (or int = 0)

Possible enum values:

  1. 'skip'
  2. 'stop'
On Parsing Error: When a line is not properly parsed, it is possible to 'skip' it and continue with the following lines, or 'stop' importing at that point
Load VMI format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.VMI'

File Name: The name of the file to load
Load WRL format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.WRL'

File Name: The name of the file to load
Load X3D format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.X3D'

File Name: The name of the file to load
Load X3DV format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.X3DV'

File Name: The name of the file to load
Load xyz format.


file_name : str = ''

File Name: The name of the file to load

save mesh parameters

Here are listed all the file formats that can be saved usingthe function pmeshlab.MeshSet.save_current_mesh(), with all the possible parameters that can be accepted by these functions.

Save 3DS format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.3DS'

File Name: The name of the file to save

save_face_color : bool = True

Save Face Color: Save Face Color

save_face_normal : bool = True

Save Face Normal: Save Face Normal

save_wedge_texcoord : bool = True

Save Wedge TexCoord: Save Wedge TexCoord

save_wedge_normal : bool = True

Save Wedge Normal: Save Wedge Normal
Save CTM format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.CTM'

File Name: The name of the file to save

lossless : bool = False

LossLess compression: If true it does not apply any lossy compression technique.

relativeprecisionparam : float = 0.0001

Relative Coord Precision: When using a lossy compression this number control the introduced error and hence the compression factor.It is a number relative to the average edge length. (e.g. the default means that the error should be roughly 1/10000 of the average edge length)

save_vertex_quality : bool = True

Save Vertex Quality: Save Vertex Quality

save_vertex_color : bool = True

Save Vertex Color: Save Vertex Color
Save DAE format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.DAE'

File Name: The name of the file to save

save_vertex_color : bool = True

Save Vertex Color: Save Vertex Color

save_vertex_coord : bool = True

Save Vertex Coord: Save Vertex Coord

save_vertex_normal : bool = True

Save Vertex Normal: Save Vertex Normal

save_wedge_texcoord : bool = True

Save Wedge TexCoord: Save Wedge TexCoord

save_wedge_normal : bool = True

Save Wedge Normal: Save Wedge Normal
Save DXF format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.DXF'

File Name: The name of the file to save
Save E57 format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.E57'

File Name: The name of the file to save

save_vertex_quality : bool = True

Save Vertex Quality: Save Vertex Quality

save_vertex_color : bool = True

Save Vertex Color: Save Vertex Color

save_vertex_normal : bool = True

Save Vertex Normal: Save Vertex Normal
Save IDTF format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.IDTF'

File Name: The name of the file to save

position_val : numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3]] = [0, 0, -1.73205]

Camera Position: The position in which the camera is set. The default value is derived by the 3d mesh's bounding box.

target_val : numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3]] = [0, 0, 0]

Camera target point: The point towards the camera is seeing. The default value is derived by the 3d mesh's bounding box.

fov_val : float = 60

Camera's FOV Angle 0..180: Camera's FOV Angle. The values' range is between 0-180 degree. The default value is 60.

compression_val : int = 500

U3D quality 0..1000: U3D mesh's compression ratio. The values' range is between 0-1000 degree. The default value is 500.

save_vertex_color : bool = False

Save Vertex Color: Save Vertex Color

save_vertex_normal : bool = False

Save Vertex Normal: Save Vertex Normal

save_face_color : bool = False

Save Face Color: Save Face Color

save_wedge_texcoord : bool = True

Save Wedge TexCoord: Save Wedge TexCoord

save_wedge_normal : bool = True

Save Wedge Normal: Save Wedge Normal
Save JSON format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.JSON'

File Name: The name of the file to save

save_vertex_color : bool = True

Save Vertex Color: Save Vertex Color

save_vertex_coord : bool = True

Save Vertex Coord: Save Vertex Coord

save_vertex_normal : bool = True

Save Vertex Normal: Save Vertex Normal
Save NXS format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.NXS'

File Name: The name of the file to save

node_faces : int = 32768

Node faces: Number of faces per patch, (min ~1000, max 32768)
This parameter controls the granularity of the multiresolution: smaller values result in smaller changes (less 'pop').Small nodes are less efficient in rendering and compression.
Meshes with very large textures and few vertices benefit from small nodes.

top_node_faces : int = 4096

Top node faces: Number of triangles in the top node. Controls the size of the smallest LOD. Higher values will delay the first rendering but with higher quality.

tex_quality : int = 95

JPEG texture quality [0-100]: jpg texture quality

ram : int = 2000

Ram buffer: Max ram used in MegaBytes (WARNING: just an approximation)

skiplevels : int = 0

Skip levels: Decimation skipped for n levels. Use for meshes with large textures and very few vertices.

origin : numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3]] = [0, 0, 0]

Origin: new origin for the model

center : bool = False

Center: Set origin in the bounding box center

pow_2_textures : bool = False

Pow 2 textures: Create textures to be power of 2

deepzoom : bool = False

Deepzoom: Save each node and texture to a separated file. Used for server which do not support http range requests (206). Will generate MANY files.

adaptive : float (bounded) = 0.333 [min: 0; max: 1]

Adaptive: Split nodes adaptively. Different settings might help with very uneven distribution of geometry.

save_vertex_color : bool = True

Save Vertex Color: Save Vertex Color

save_vertex_coord : bool = True

Save Vertex Coord: Save Vertex Coord

save_vertex_normal : bool = False

Save Vertex Normal: Save Vertex Normal

save_wedge_texcoord : bool = True

Save Wedge TexCoord: Save Wedge TexCoord
Save NXZ format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.NXZ'

File Name: The name of the file to save

node_faces : int = 32768

Node faces: Number of faces per patch, (min ~1000, max 32768)
This parameter controls the granularity of the multiresolution: smaller values result in smaller changes (less 'pop').Small nodes are less efficient in rendering and compression.
Meshes with very large textures and few vertices benefit from small nodes.

top_node_faces : int = 4096

Top node faces: Number of triangles in the top node. Controls the size of the smallest LOD. Higher values will delay the first rendering but with higher quality.

tex_quality : int = 95

JPEG texture quality [0-100]: jpg texture quality

ram : int = 2000

Ram buffer: Max ram used in MegaBytes (WARNING: just an approximation)

skiplevels : int = 0

Skip levels: Decimation skipped for n levels. Use for meshes with large textures and very few vertices.

origin : numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3]] = [0, 0, 0]

Origin: new origin for the model

center : bool = False

Center: Set origin in the bounding box center

pow_2_textures : bool = False

Pow 2 textures: Create textures to be power of 2

deepzoom : bool = False

Deepzoom: Save each node and texture to a separated file. Used for server which do not support http range requests (206). Will generate MANY files.

adaptive : float (bounded) = 0.333 [min: 0; max: 1]

Adaptive: Split nodes adaptively. Different settings might help with very uneven distribution of geometry.

nxz_vertex_quantization : float = 0

NXZ Vertex quantization: absolute side of quantization grid (uses quantization factor, instead)

vertex_bits : int = 0

Vertex bits: number of bits in vertex coordinates when compressing (uses quantization factor, instead)

quantization_factor : float = 0.1

Quantization factor: Quantization as a factor of error

luma_bits : int = 6

Luma bits: Quantization of luma channel

chroma_bits : int = 6

Chroma bits: Quantization of chroma channel

alpha_bits : int = 5

Alpha bits: Quantization of alpha channel

normal_bits : int = 10

Normal bits: Quantization of normals

textures_precision : float = 0.25

Textures precision: Quantization of textures, precision in pixels per unit

save_vertex_color : bool = True

Save Vertex Color: Save Vertex Color

save_vertex_coord : bool = True

Save Vertex Coord: Save Vertex Coord

save_vertex_normal : bool = False

Save Vertex Normal: Save Vertex Normal

save_wedge_texcoord : bool = True

Save Wedge TexCoord: Save Wedge TexCoord
Save OBJ format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.OBJ'

File Name: The name of the file to save

save_vertex_color : bool = True

Save Vertex Color: Save Vertex Color

save_vertex_coord : bool = True

Save Vertex Coord: Save Vertex Coord

save_vertex_normal : bool = True

Save Vertex Normal: Save Vertex Normal

save_face_color : bool = True

Save Face Color: Save Face Color

save_wedge_texcoord : bool = True

Save Wedge TexCoord: Save Wedge TexCoord

save_wedge_normal : bool = True

Save Wedge Normal: Save Wedge Normal

save_polygonal : bool = True

Save Polygonal: Save Polygonal
Save OFF format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.OFF'

File Name: The name of the file to save

save_vertex_color : bool = True

Save Vertex Color: Save Vertex Color

save_vertex_coord : bool = True

Save Vertex Coord: Save Vertex Coord

save_face_color : bool = True

Save Face Color: Save Face Color

save_polygonal : bool = True

Save Polygonal: Save Polygonal
Save PLY format.

Ply exporter also support saving custom attributes. You'll need to add an additional boolean parameter for each one of that you want to save, and use only non-capital letters for parameter names. These parameters have a prefix for each type of custom attribute:
  • __ca_vs__: Custom Attribute Vertex Scalar;
  • __ca_vp__: Custom Attribute Vertex Point;
  • __ca_fs__: Custom Attribute Face Scalar;
  • __ca_fp__: Custom Attribute Face Point;
For example, if your mesh has a custom per vertex scalar attribute called MyAttribute, you can save it in a ply file by calling:
ms.save_current_mesh(file_name='myfile.ply', __ca_vs__myattribute=True)
You can check the parameters available on a mesh by calling the MeshSet method MeshSet.filter_parameter_values, with first parameter 'ply'.


file_name : str = 'file_name.PLY'

File Name: The name of the file to save

binary : bool = True

Binary encoding: Save the mesh using a binary encoding. If false the mesh is saved in a plain, readable ascii format.

save_vertex_quality : bool = True

Save Vertex Quality: Save Vertex Quality

save_vertex_flag : bool = False

Save Vertex Flag: Save Vertex Flag

save_vertex_color : bool = True

Save Vertex Color: Save Vertex Color

save_vertex_coord : bool = True

Save Vertex Coord: Save Vertex Coord

save_vertex_normal : bool = False

Save Vertex Normal: Save Vertex Normal

save_vertex_radius : bool = True

Save Vertex Radius: Save Vertex Radius

save_face_quality : bool = True

Save Face Quality: Save Face Quality

save_face_flag : bool = False

Save Face Flag: Save Face Flag

save_face_color : bool = True

Save Face Color: Save Face Color

save_wedge_color : bool = True

Save Wedge Color: Save Wedge Color

save_wedge_texcoord : bool = True

Save Wedge TexCoord: Save Wedge TexCoord

save_wedge_normal : bool = True

Save Wedge Normal: Save Wedge Normal
Save STL format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.STL'

File Name: The name of the file to save

binary : bool = True

Binary encoding: Save the mesh using a binary encoding. If false the mesh is saved in a plain, readable ascii format.

colormode : bool = True

Materialise Color Encoding: Save the color using a binary encoding according to the Materialise's Magic style (e.g. RGB coding instead of BGR coding).

save_face_color : bool = True

Save Face Color: Save Face Color
Save U3D format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.U3D'

File Name: The name of the file to save

position_val : numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3]] = [0, 0, -1.73205]

Camera Position: The position in which the camera is set. The default value is derived by the 3d mesh's bounding box.

target_val : numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[3]] = [0, 0, 0]

Camera target point: The point towards the camera is seeing. The default value is derived by the 3d mesh's bounding box.

fov_val : float = 60

Camera's FOV Angle 0..180: Camera's FOV Angle. The values' range is between 0-180 degree. The default value is 60.

compression_val : int = 500

U3D quality 0..1000: U3D mesh's compression ratio. The values' range is between 0-1000 degree. The default value is 500.

save_vertex_color : bool = False

Save Vertex Color: Save Vertex Color

save_face_color : bool = False

Save Face Color: Save Face Color

save_wedge_texcoord : bool = True

Save Wedge TexCoord: Save Wedge TexCoord
Save WRL format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.WRL'

File Name: The name of the file to save

save_vertex_color : bool = True

Save Vertex Color: Save Vertex Color

save_wedge_color : bool = True

Save Wedge Color: Save Wedge Color

save_wedge_texcoord : bool = True

Save Wedge TexCoord: Save Wedge TexCoord
Save X3D format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.X3D'

File Name: The name of the file to save

save_vertex_color : bool = True

Save Vertex Color: Save Vertex Color

save_vertex_coord : bool = True

Save Vertex Coord: Save Vertex Coord

save_vertex_normal : bool = True

Save Vertex Normal: Save Vertex Normal

save_face_color : bool = False

Save Face Color: Save Face Color

save_face_normal : bool = False

Save Face Normal: Save Face Normal

save_wedge_color : bool = False

Save Wedge Color: Save Wedge Color

save_wedge_texcoord : bool = False

Save Wedge TexCoord: Save Wedge TexCoord

save_wedge_normal : bool = False

Save Wedge Normal: Save Wedge Normal
Save xyz format.


file_name : str = ''

File Name: The name of the file to save

save_vertex_normal : bool = True

Save Vertex Normal: Save Vertex Normal

load raster parameters

Here are listed all the raster file formats that can be loaded usingthe functions pmeshlab.MeshSet.load_new_raster().

Load BMP format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.BMP'

File Name: The name of the file to load
Load JPEG format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.JPEG'

File Name: The name of the file to load
Load JPG format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.JPG'

File Name: The name of the file to load
Load PNG format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.PNG'

File Name: The name of the file to load
Load TGA format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.TGA'

File Name: The name of the file to load
Load TIF format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.TIF'

File Name: The name of the file to load
Load TIFF format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.TIFF'

File Name: The name of the file to load
Load XBM format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.XBM'

File Name: The name of the file to load
Load XPM format.


file_name : str = 'file_name.XPM'

File Name: The name of the file to load