
The Percentage class is a simple class that allows to pass some parameters to filters as a Percentage of something (specified on the documentation of every filter). A Percentage object contains a single float value bounded between 0 and 100.

Here is a simple example of usage of the class:

ms = pymeshlab.MeshSet()
ms.uniform_mesh_resampling(cellsize=Percentage(0.01), offset=1)

This class is necessary to distinguish between relative Percentage values and absolute values (which are of type float).

Check the Apply Filter Parameters: Percentage tutorial for further examples.

class pmeshlab.Percentage
__init__(self: pmeshlab.Percentage, arg0: float) → None

Constructor of the Percentage class. Takes as input a float value between 0 and 100 (default: 0) and initializes the percentage. Raises a InvalidPercentageException if the value is not between 0 and 100.

set_value(self: pmeshlab.Percentage, arg0: float) → None

Sets the value of the percentage. Raises a InvalidPercentageException if the value is not between 0 and 100.

value(self: pmeshlab.Percentage) → float

Returns the value of the percentage [0-100].